DECEMBER 14, 2021
Drew Pender and Leonard Lopez Shake Hands.mp4
Leonard Lopez shows Drew Pender respect following his Title Defense.
DECEMBER 9, 2021
Contract Signing Brawl.mp4
Jeff Jonsun and Undkban brawl with Johnny Warren and Pletch.
Main Event Post Match.mp4
Johnny Warren saves Pletch from a brutal assault.
Drew Pender and Leonard Lopez Handshake.mp4
Leonard Lopez and Drew Pender have a brutal confrontation prior to Christmas Calamity.
The Observer Beats Down Chad Broski.mp4
The Observer attacks Chad Broski to send a message to Grabowski.
Greg Richards.mp4
BnB will face The Disciples in a steel cage at Christmas Calamity.
DECEMBER 2, 2021
NOVEMBER 16, 2021
NOVEMBER 9, 2021
NOVEMBER 9, 2021
Jim E Promo.mp4
Jim E will face El Chupapolla and Undkban in a 3 Way at Extreme Hour.
Leaf Sinn is Interrupted by Drew Pender.mp4
Drew Pender interupts Leaf Sinn to send a message to Captain America.
NOVEMBER 2, 2021
Undkban Attacks Jim E.mp4
Undkban was frustrated by Jim E's resiliency during the PSA Ultimate Hour Title match.
BnB is Attacked by The Disciples.mp4
The Disciples attack the PSA Tag Team Champions.
OCTOBER 26, 2021
OCTOBER 22, 2021
Mr. Incredible attacks Charizard and The Terminator.mp4
Mr. Incredible has joined the PSA roster!
Pletch and The Disciples Confrontation.mp4
Pletch will defend the PSA World Championship with dignity.
OCTOBER 12, 2021
Corwin and Cory Parcher Staredown.mp4
Corwin and Cory Parcher continue to be at odds with one another.
The Observer Attacks DDTyson.mp4
The Observer has made his first target clear: DDTyson.
Charizard Attacks The Terminator.mp4
The Terminator is ambushed by Charizard.
Leonard Lopez and Bordt Staredown.mp4
Bordt issues a challenge to Leonard Lopez at Halloween from Hell.
Benjamin Binglebottom Punches Brian Goober.mp4
Benjamin Binglebottom is frustrated that his father failed to show up to his Championship celebration.
OCTOBER 5, 2021
SEPTEMBER 28, 2021
Pletch and Jeff Jonsun Brawl.mp4
Pletch and Jeff Jonsun continue to fight.
Johnny Warren Promo.mp4
Johnny Warren tellsThe Disciples to stay out of his way.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2021
Leaf Sinn Promo.mp4
Leaf Sinn is determined to be treated with respect.
Cory Parcher is Stretchered Out of the Arena.mp4
Cory Parcher struggles to walk after being attacked by Corwin.
Drew Pender and El Chupapolla Staredown.mp4
El Chupapolla threatens Drew Pender's Hardcore Championship reign.