The PSA Trios Championship was the highest honor any alliance in PSA could earn. Following its inception at the end of Season 3, the Title was held by 6 trios (17 individuals) over 7 reigns. The Title was retired by Dru Parcher to punish Binglebottom Entourages for bribing Mark Cooper Jr. to voluntarily lose the Championship and join their Alliance.
INAUGURAL CHAMPIONS: Binglebottom Enterprises
FINAL CHAMPIONS: Binglebottom Entourages
LONGEST REIGN: Binglebottom Enterprises (229 Days)
SHORTEST REIGN: Binglebottom Entourages (7 Days)
MOST REIGNS: Binglebottom Entourages (2 Reigns- Trio), Lochlan (3 Reigns- Indvidual)
MOST DAYS AS CHAMPIONS: Binglebottom Enterprises (229 Days- Trio), Lochlan (397 Days- Indvidual)
MOST DEFENSES IN ONE REIGN: Binglebottom Enterprises (4 Defenses)
MOST CHAMPIONSHIP DEFENSES: Binglebottom Enterprises (4 Defenses)
09/19/24-09/26/24 [7 Days]
Samuel Binglebottom's cheap tactics proved to be as effective as ever, as his bribery of Mark Cooper Jr. helped Binglebottom Entourages become PSA Trios Champions once again! Dru Parcher was so incensed with this action that he disbanded the Title entirely, bringing the end to a well-respected Championship lineage.
07/25/24-09/19/24 [56 Days]
The Coopers became the PSA Trios Champions when they defeated Binglebottom Entourages on Night One of Ground Zero 2024. In a rematch with the former Champions on an episode of Ultimate Hour, Mark Cooper Jr. shocked everyone when he sided with Binglebottom Entourages, putting an end to The Coopers' reign in the process.
02/15/24-07/25/24 [161 Days]
Binglebottom Entourages' Goldielox, The Great Rapsby, and Lochlan defeated The High Five at Extreme Hour in Tablegeddon to become the PSA Trios Champions. The ever-growing cracks in Binglebottom Entourages proved to be their downfall, as The Coopers bested them on Night One of Ground Zero 2024.
The High Five- Ultimate Hour (March 7, 2024)
The High Five- Carnival of Conquest (May 23, 2024)
Society of the Spear- Tidal Wave (June 20, 2024)
12/15/23-02/15/24 [62 Days]
The High Five successfully accomplished their dreams when they defeated The Promised Land to become the PSA Trios Champions. Since the Titles themselves where corrupted by their previous owners, Dru Parcher made the decision to allow future Champions to customize their belts. Their reign came to an end at Extreme Hour in a Tablegeddon match against Binglebottom Entourages.
Casual Adam- Plugged In (January 11, 2024)
10/12/23-12/15/23 [64 Days]
The Promised Land toppled The Disciples on the Ultimate Hour before Halloween from Hell, to become the new PSA Trios Champions. They were unable to defend the Championship against The High Five at Christmas Calamity.
03/24/23-10/12/23 [202 Days]
The Disciples began their reign of terror at Finest Hour, where they defeated the inaugural PSA Trios Champions. On the Ultimate Hour before Halloween from Hell, The Promised Land defeated them to become the new PSA Trios Champions.
P-Money and The Entourage- Ultimate Hour Carnival of Champions (June 13, 2023)
The Jonsun Culinary Academy- Ground Zero Night One (August 1, 2023)
08/07/22-03/24/23 [229 Days]
Binglebottom Enterprises defeated Demolition Inferno at Night Two of Ground Zero to become the inaugural PSA Trios Champions. Their days as Champions came to an end at the hands of The Disciples.
The Enhancers- Ultimate Hour Anniversary Edition (September 9, 2022)
The Enhancers- Halloween from Hell (October 21, 2022)
The Ultimatum- Ultimate Hour Thanksgiving Sin (November 25, 2022)
El Orgullo- Double Trouble Night One (February 24, 2023)