DECEMBER 15, 2023

DECEMBER 7, 2023

Keith and Lopez Showdown with Binglebottom Entourages.mp4
Keith and Leonard Lopez are united against Binglebottom Entourages.
Josh Grabowski and Pletch Brawl.mp4
Pletch and Josh Grabowski have another vicious brawl before their match at Christmas Calamity.

NOVEMBER 30, 2023

Josh Grabowski Stops Pletch.mp4
Josh Grabowski saves Johnny Warren from Pletch's attack!
Marcella Attacks Castonova.mp4
Marcella The Mutilator sends a message to the women's locker room with her brutal beatdown of Cruella Castonova.
Flozelle Ambushes Brittany Blake.mp4
Flozelle beats up Brittany Blake prior to her upcoming Women's World Championship match.

NOVEMBER 23, 2023

The Disciples Attack Brock Lee.mp4
The Disciples continue to make Brock Lee's time in PSA a living hell.

NOVEMBER 16, 2023

NOVEMBER 9, 2023

NOVEMBER 2, 2023

OCTOBER 26, 2023

TYSON attacks Bruno Bolousek.mp4
TYSON takes all of frustration out on Bruno Bolousek following their brutal match.
JX2 Return.mp4
JX2 have returned to reclaim the PSA Tag Team Championship!

OCTOBER 19, 2023

OCTOBER 12, 2023

Dynamite and Warren Unite against The Society of the Spear.mp4
Cali Dynamite will join Johnny Warren and Ben Richards in their fight against Society of the Spear at Halloween from Hell.

OCTOBER 5, 2023

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023

Johnny Warren Teams with Ben Richards.mp4
Ben Richards wanted a mentor, but Johnny Warren sees him as an equal.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2023

Trina Cooper Attacks Brittany Blake.mp4
Trina Cooper has announced that she will use the Debt Collector to face the Women's World Champion at Season 8's Finest Hour.